These are … Superstitious Times


Wes Roberts
  (c) Brian Baker

In 2019, my name was passed along to Brian Baker, of The Superstitious Times. Brian investigates, interviews, and writes about “the preternatural in Canada.” He’s been a professional in the media industry for decades. He’s very down-to-earth and approachable, he’s part of my go-to group of friends for ‘incidents of high strangeness’ (quote from Lesley-Mitchell-Clarke), and he’s always interested in networking and helping, yes, people like me, tell their stories. Brian came over to our place, camera in hand, in the summer of 2019. The interview he did with myself and my partner, Ana, can be found here: The Superstitious Times – Wes’ First Interview.

I mention Brian and his site because I’ve had much cause, as I’m sure many of my readers have, to think and rethink about just what it is we feel to be superstitious in these turbulent times we  live in.


UFOs, aliens, and other worlds used to be the stuff of superstition. But that hasn’t been true for a long time. At least not in terms of popular belief. The Cambridge Dictionary’s main definition of superstition is this: “belief that is not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, etc.:” Certainly, the scientific community has a hard time in believing some things that in many cases a majority of people feel (or know?) are true. So ‘little green men’ and flying saucers, alongside a host of other phenomena that exists have often been discounted out-of-hand. But should they be?

What if you experienced something which–after exhaustive detective work trying to eliminate it as fake, imagination, hallucination, dreams, madness, et al–can still not be explained in any ‘orthodox’ manner? Would you brush it aside? Would you stop considering it. Would it cease to exist because you couldn’t explain it away? I’ll leave you to answer those questions yourself.


By far, vastly by far, I am not alone in my claims of having gone through experiences with non-human life forms. Does it mean that beings I’ve encountered are “aliens?” I was asked this question recently by Rex Bear while being interviewed for his show, the Leak Project. The plain answer, the only answer I can give, is this: I don’t know, but I think so. I thought about the handful of times I’d seen (and remembered) some of the alien beings that interacted with me. What I feel about this can be summarized in the following way:

  • The events happened, and I remembered them (whether consciously, or through hypnosis)
  • I saw two or three kinds/species of beings
  • None of the beings I identified as non-human looked human

Any of my experiences I felt were dreams were labelled as dreams. I do not call them alien abductions or experiences. The same goes with lucid dreams, guided meditative journeys, imagination, day-dreaming … you name it. I’ve combed through my experiences to eliminate those ones that can be explained by the known. What’s left, no matter how hard to digest, is probably the truth.

Beyond Superstition

Setting aside alien experiences, experiences with what are probably alien life forms, there’s little doubt in my mind that most of us have had things happen to us that fall somewhere between odd and highly strange. For example, how is you know someone’s staring at you from behind, or approaching you? Eyes in the back of your head? What explains the gnawing, agonizing feeling that something has happened to a family member or other loved one; a feeling that you later verify as having a basis in fact? Superstition?

I’d love to hear about your experiences, and as the co-host and producer of Contact TV, a YouTube-based channel, perhaps you’ll step-up and tell more of your story to the world. If not, well, tell it only to me. Contact me via to find out more!



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